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Salon article on “The Killer Inside Me”

Check out this Salon article by Andrew O’Hehir on The Killer Inside Me, which recently screened at the Tribecca film festival. This film has created quite a stir at Sundance for the film’s scenes of violence against women. You can find the NSWF trailer here.

The Salon article includes this quote from Casey Affleck, the lead actor of the film, as part of a defense of film:

Casey Affleck discussed the picture’s aims admirably. “I hope there’s room for discussion around this film, and room for people to tell us we’re being irresponsible,” he said. “But to me, irresponsible is when you have a movie where 300 people get killed by robots, and none of it matters, none of it registers. In this movie, we wanted the violence to seem real, and the victims of violence to seem real. I think we’ve been very responsible in how we approached the violence. I wouldn’t have done the movie otherwise.”

The Killer Inside Me will be released later this year from IFC Films.