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Film Reviews: July 12, 2015

Here is a summary of films reviewed on today’s show:

Inside Out is one of the better films to come out of Pixar and it is certainly the studio’s best feature in several years. This is the rare animated film that transcends the family audience. Even if the conceit is simplified, Inside Out is beautifully made and tells an engaging story.

Ted 2 is a disaster. It’s intermittently funny but it’s also extraordinarily lazy. The only reason this movie exists is because the first Ted made a lot of money and it’s clear that the filmmakers put no more thought into it than that. 

Love & Mercy is an unusual biopic in its structure and approach. The movie comes across a little incomplete but what’s here is impressive and Love & Mercy succeeds in large part due to its terrific central performances. 

Terminator Genisys aspires to the greatness of the early films in this series. It falls well short of James Cameron’s films but it is certainly better than Terminator Salvation and is about on par with Terminator 3. Genisys is ultimately an average action picture with a lot of story problems.

His Way is a fun tribute to Hollywood producer Jerry Weintraub. It is mostly a puff piece and audiences aren’t going to learn much about how movies get made from watching it but His Way is a very entertaining story of a man who was at the epicenter of the entertainment industry for four decades.

You can find full text of every review on the Sounds of Cinema Review Archive.