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Sounds of Cinema October Programming 2017

October is just about here and that means it’s time for a month of Halloween-related programming on Sounds of Cinema. Each episode this month will take a look at a particular theme or set of films and feature music to match. Here is a preview of what’s to come:

October 1: Suspiria and Eraserhead Retrospective 
This episode will take a look back at two pictures from 1977 on their fortieth anniversary: Dario Argento’s Suspiria and David Lynch’s Eraserhead. The show will include interviews with Donald May Jr., President of Synapse Films, and Kenneth George Godwin, author of The David Lynch Files.

October 8: Feminist Horror 
The horror genre has a bad rap for its portrayal of women. Sometimes that’s deserved but horror is one of the few genres that regularly features gender parity in its casting and features heroic female leads. This episode will consider a few examples of horror films with feminist bona fides.

October 15: Techno-Horror 
Technology is supposed to make life better but it sometimes it goes very wrong. From Frankenstein to Demon Seed to Jurassic Park, horror films have explored our anxieties about technology.

October 22: George A. Romero & Tobe Hooper Retrospective 
In the past year we lost two of the great horror directors: George A. Romero and Tobe Hooper. Romero was best known as the architect of the zombie genre but he was was a much more diverse filmmaker than that. Hooper created some of the most memorable horror films of the 1970s and 80s including The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Salem’s Lot, and Poltergeist.

October 29: Reboots and Remakes/Pledge Drive
On October 29th, KMSU and KQAL will air different programs.

89.5 KQAL FM: For better or worse, reboots and remakes are a cornerstone of Hollywood’s release slate and the horror genre paved the way with Dawn of the Dead and Halloween. This episode will look at the horror remakes that equaled or eclipsed their predecessors.

89.7 KMSU FM: The station will be in the midst of its fall pledge drive.  Sounds of Cinema will feature the pledge drive program. 

October 30/31: Halloween Special
Airing on Monday, October 30th at 11pm on 89.5 KQAL FM and then again on Tuesday, October 31 at 10pm on 89.7 KMSU FM, the Sounds of Cinema Halloween Special will provide the soundtrack for your All Hallows Eve with an hour-long mix of Halloween-related film music.
Sounds of Cinema can be heard every Sunday morning on the following stations:

  • 9am on 89.5 KQAL FM in Winona, MN and online at
  • 11am on 89.7 KMSU FM in Mankato, MN and online at