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Memorial Day Show: Apocalypse Now

For this Memorial Day, Maverick at the Movies will feature a condensed version of the 2-disc soundtrack to Apocalypse Now released by Electra Records. This soundtrack is unique in that it includes the music, dialogue, and sound effects of the film and as a result it plays very much like a radio drama. The album has been cut down to fit into the one hour time slot of the show and has been edited for content but retains the narrative of the film.
Apocalypse Now is one of the great war films of all time and with the Memorial Day holiday upon us, it seems appropriate to revisit the film. Narrative structure, be it in film, fine art, or literature, provides us with a sense of meaning and helps us make sense of the world either by confirming or challenging our beliefs about the world. This film does that tremendously and in the middle of a war in which the moral high ground of the United States has at least been destabilized and parallels to Vietnam have become increasingly apparent, this is a very relevent film.