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Film Reviews: July 19, 2015

Here is a summary of films reviewed on today’s show:

Self/less squanders an interesting idea in a movie that is never more than a bland action film. There is nothing at all memorable about this movie and viewers would do better seeking out John Frankenheimer’s Seconds or Paul Verhoven’s Total Recall.

The moviemakers of Magic Mike XXL have created exactly what they set out to do and they’ve done it very effectively. But the Magic Mike sequel constitutes a sort of mainstream pornography in the same way as Nicki Minaj music videos, Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues, and the Miss USA pageant. It’s about looking and lusting but nothing beyond that. 

Like a lot of children’s pictures, Minions is intended to keep the attention of viewers under the age of twelve and it will do that. But the film is little more than a feature length toy commercial that probably should have premiered on home video.

Dope is a flawed movie. It introduces some provocative ideas about race and racial representation but neither the ideas nor its story are fully formed. However, Dope has a lot in it that is unique, especially in the mainstream cinema marketplace, and there is as much to admire about the film as there is to admonish it.

Girlhood is a thoughtful and well-made picture. It isn’t necessarily a feel good movie but it is shot through with honesty and the filmmakers have a good handle on their subject matter without resorting to sentimentality or becoming condescending. 

You can find full text of every review in the Sounds of Cinema Review Archive.